All system management components (i.e. bootstrap nodes, group leader, group managers, and local controllers) are implemented as RESTful web services. Their APIs are defined in the snoozecommon project (see Javadoc).
You can query each API by simply calling http://hostname/resourceName?nameOfTheAPI. Resource name can be either: bootstrap, groupmanager, or localcontroller. Note that no dedicated resource exists to represent a group leader. Indeed the group leader is just a promoted group manager.
In case parameters need to be passed (POST request) you need to know the JSON representation of the corresponding Java objects. For now, you can use the snoozeclient to see how it performs the data serialization to JSON. Therefore set the httpclient.wire parameter in /usr/share/snoozeclient/configs/log4j.xml to DEBUG and monitor the log output in /tmp/snooze_client.log.
For example to get the group leader repositoy information with the five most recent monitoring values for each group manager you must call the “getGroupLeaderRepositoryInformation” API on the corresponding host. Using the curl command line tool the query would look as follows:
curl -i -H "Content-Type: application/json" -X POST -d "5" http://hostname:5000/groupmanager?getGroupLeaderRepositoryInformation